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Become a member
Membership of the Institute (HKFI) shall be open to anybody having interest in enhancing personal and
community being, especially through the knowledge and practice of Focusing. Th e membership fee for
Ordinary voting and non voting members is HK$100 per annum. Applicants shall be admitted as Ordinary
Members subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of HKFI.
To be eligible as a “Voting Member”, a person should be a fully paid up HKFI member, and be listed in the
membership directory of The International Focusing Institute (TIFI) as a Certified Focusing Professional [ Certifying Coordinator / Coordinator-in-Training / Focusing-Oriented Therapist / Trainer ] or Trainee or Supporter. All other persons are registered as “Non-voting Members”. Evidence to show eligibility as a “Voting Member” should be provided by the applicant upon application for membership.
Annual membership fee is payable to cover each calendar year from 1
January to 31 December, regardless of the payment date during the year. Membership fee is NOT refundable for any reason.
Member rights and benefits
(1) Members have privileges to join all meetings, courses, workshops, and activities organized by the
Institute. A discount in course/workshop fee is offered.
(2) Members receive information, newsletter, publications provided by the Institute periodically.
(3) Voti ng Members have the rights of voting and being elected as Executive Committee member and / or
Council member.
All rights and privileges are only applied to those whose membership fees are fully paid up.