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The Development of Life Consciousness in Hong Kong

Overseas teachers include:

Akira Ikemi, Ph.D. studied with Prof. Eugene Gendlin at the University of Chicago, Graduate Division. Currently Professor of Psychotherapy at Kansai University Graduate School of Psychology, he is a member of the International Leadership Council and has served on the Board of Directors of the International Focusing Institute (USA) and the World Association of Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling (UK). He has created several methods such as Experiential Collage Work, Chinese Character Focusing, and Blue Sky Focusing.

Ann Weiser Cornell, Ph.D. is internationally recognized as one of the leading innovators and theoreticians of Inner Relationship Focusing. She has taught Focusing in eighteen countries, and her Focusing books and manuals have been translated into seven other languages.
She's well-known in the Focusing world for her attention to the language that facilitates Focusing, her popular manuals.

Campbell Purton, Ph.D. is Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Counselling Studies at the University of East Anglia, and a counsellor at the University Counselling Service. He has been a lecturer in philosophy, a therapist in private practice, and a director of the UEA Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling. He has published many articles in the areas of counselling, philosophy and Buddhist studies, and is an author of counselling books.

Karen Whalen, Ph.D. is a person-centered clinical therapist specializing in complex trauma in private practice in Canada. She is a certifying coordinator of the International Focusing Institute in New York. She integrates energetic models of consciousness (Qi-Gong, Polarity Therapy, Quantum Consciousness) with the practice of Wholebody Focusing and WBF Oriented Therapy. She teaches extensively in North America, Europe, China, Mexico, New Zealand, and Australia.

[ps2id id='NL' target=”/]Nada Lou is The Focusing Institute Coordinator and an International trainer. With a specialty in Focusing and Thinking at the Edge (TAE). Nada is well-known in the Focusing world through her videos on focusing. (Clips are accessible on YouTube.) or visit her website on . Since 1999 Nada visited Hong Kong 10 times and brought Focusing, BioSpiritual Focusing, and Thinking at the Edge to three different locations. She also certified 5 Focusing professionals and one Focusing Coordinator in Hong Kong.

Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., ATR‐BC, REAT is a Certifying Focusing Coordinator, Focusing‐Oriented Therapist, and Trainer with The Focusing Institute. She is the author of Focusing‐Oriented Art Therapy: Accessing the Body's Wisdom and Creative Intelligence and numerous articles. Laury conducts trainings nationally and internationally, and has been on the faculty of graduate programs in Expressive Arts Therapies, Art Therapy, Counseling, and Marriage and Family Therapy for over 30 years.

René Veugelers' specialty is Focusing with Children with an emphasis on the non-verbal world. He studied art therapy, psychiatric nursing and group social work. René teaches parents, therapists, teachers and others, internationally, how to be with children in a Focusing way, how to (re)connect to their own inner child experiences, and how to integrate creativity and flexibility into their life and work. His experiences as an art therapist embrace an expanded richness of creative elements and support a natural unfolding of creative process.

Shaun Phillips, M.Ed., RCC, SFTT, is a Registered Clinical Counselor and Supervising Focusing-Oriented Therapist and Trainer, and Focusing Coordinator.
Alexis Phillips, MA, RCC, SFTT, is a Registered Clinical Counselor, Focusing-Oriented Therapist and Trainer, and Focusing Coordinator.
Shaun and Alexis specialize in working with complex trauma and have presented on this work at the 2014, 2011 and 2009 World Conferences on Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapies in New York.

Xu Jun, Certifying Coordinator, Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist and Focusing Trainer, he developed Focusing with Chinese Characters.

© 2021 by Thou Art Ltd. for Hong Kong Focusing Institute.

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